Do you work in education to be part of an established learning culture... to help students learn, develop, and become more effective in the world? Isn’t it ironic how the organizational structure supporting this educational system can be disrupted by misunderstandings, conflicts, and lack of respect?
Much of the success of an academic institution depends upon communication, not only inside the classroom between teacher and student, but throughout the entire campus and beyond. A student’s day begins with the first interaction – be it with a bus driver or school secretary and continues throughout the day and into the surrounding community.
Cooperation or Conflict?
When the staff is not getting along, the students (and their academic achievement) are affected.
The demands of providing educational opportunities for students can bring numerous opportunities for stress and frustration alone. Combine these challenges with staff conflicts, personality clashes and snarled lines of communication and it becomes virtually impossible to deliver excellence.
Introducing True Colors to Your Staff
True Colors helps everyone involved in the education process -teachers, administrators, counselors, students and support staff—become a team coordinated around the goal of learning outcomes.
An expert True Colors Facilitator introduces administrators, faculty and staff to this interactive, entertaining and easy to remember Personal Success Seminar, providing new tools to understand themselves and work with students.
True Colors has been used successfully in education for thirty years, to gain higher levels of self esteem, academic achievement and improved personal relationships in school and in families.
True Colors School Program Goals:
- Increase Attendance
- Achieve Higher Test Scores
- Motivate Positive Achievement
- Build Respect & Trust
- Improve Grades
- Promote Cooperation
- Reduce Stressors
- Enhance Self-Esteem
- Resolve Conflict
- Identify “at-risk” Behaviors
- Bond Entire Organization