The True Colors Live Show has been enthusiastically embraced as a useful tool for introducing the True Colors concepts and the powerful communication benefits for indoctrination of new recruits. Furthermore, military cadet leadership programs have used True Colors as a training tool to strengthen leadership skills.
Tactical Level Programs
True Colors offers programs customized to meet military Institutional Competencies at the tactical and operational level of development.
Beginning with the Personal Success program, participants experience the foundational piece of True Colors focused on the specific needs of the participants and the organization. In addition to a thorough understanding of your personality, you will take steps in learning to build rapport with others in one or more of the following areas:
- Conflict Causing Hot Button Issues
- Change Management
- Deployment/Reunion Issues
- Communication
- Leadership Styles
Operational Development Program
True Colors operational development programs focus directly on the needs of your organization by developing programs with organizational leaders. An experienced True Colors Coach will conduct an analysis of your unit's needs through a True Colors's gap analysis and then target a specific program for your unit's developmental needs. The basic awareness program is a pre-requisite. These are stand alone programs. However, they can be combined at the same time with the Personal Success program:
- Communication
- Teambuilding
The Best Possible Intelligence
Accountability and responsibility run up and down the chain of command by means of communication. If the weakest link in that chain is the communication itself, mission effectiveness is compromised.
Despite the awesome power of our military technology, we still depend upon human intelligence to survey a scenario, interpret the data, and make decisions that others must then understand and execute. Understanding one another is crucial to the smooth operation of the military machine.
That understanding can be trained, and True Colors is your ally. In a True Colors seminar, your troops can learn how to listen, and to speak in a way that can be most effectively understood.
Call True Colors now to learn how you can do more to preserve the red, white and blue. Take the True Colors Test too while you're at it ;)
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