You bet! If employees aren’t happy, then patients don’t get the service they expect.
The collaborative effort among health care professionals to provide patient care requires a strong team effort.
How strong is your team?
Patient care demands can bring numerous opportunities for stress and frustration alone, but combine these challenges with staff conflicts, personality clashes and snarled lines of communication and it becomes virtually impossible to deliver excellence. When there is improvement in team cohesiveness through relationship-building, effective communication, respect, and fair treatment, satisfaction levels increase and so does the quality of patient care. The desired business outcomes of increased market share and profitability follow.
True Colors brings out the Best in Your Team
True Colors is an easy-to-use tool that has helped millions of people find personal success and dramatically improve their inter-personal relationships. It has a twenty year track record of success with hundreds of companies like Ford, Pfizer, Washington Mutual, ESPN, Kraft, Boeing, JC Penny, Cargill, Sabre, I.C. System, and thousands of schools, hospitals, and government agencies, who have used it to build teamwork, and to improve communications and customer relations.
What Makes True Colors Different?
The strength and power of True Colors is that it takes the elaborate method of understanding personality theory and distils it into a user-friendly, practical tool that is fun to use and easy to apply.
- It's highly interactive and engaging
- It's easy to understand *** PEOPLE GET IT!!! all levels of an organization (Top to Bottom)…absolutely critical for any major shift.
- It's easy to integrate into your training initiatives
- It's easy to remember
Heal Thyself
It is ironic that working in health care can so often be stressful and psychologically degrading. We seek to promote health, yet our own health can be depleted at work through chronic misunderstanding, staff conflict, and feeling disrespected.
True Colors can help you deliver optimal health care through having a well coordinated chain of communication from intake through client care and release. When everyone on your team learns to listen to others, and can speak in ways that makes themselves understood, then everyone benefits. Staff are more attentive to one another. Bedside manner improves. The level of care everywhere increases. Patients are happier and improve more quickly.
True Colors is your prescription to healthy communication. Take a dose of the medicine that your workplace needs.
Call a True Colors representative today for an intake assessment of your needs. You can also take the True Colors Test to discover your own True Colors.
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