Monday, February 4, 2013

True Color Programs for Health Care

Employee happiness & patient satisfaction, are they related?

You bet! If employees aren’t happy, then patients don’t get the service they expect.

The collaborative effort among health care professionals to provide patient care requires a strong team effort.

How strong is your team?

Patient care demands can bring numerous opportunities for stress and frustration alone, but combine these challenges with staff conflicts, personality clashes and snarled lines of communication and it becomes virtually impossible to deliver excellence. When there is improvement in team cohesiveness through relationship-building, effective communication, respect, and fair treatment, satisfaction levels increase and so does the quality of patient care. The desired business outcomes of increased market share and profitability follow.

True Colors brings out the Best in Your Team

True Colors is an easy-to-use tool that has helped millions of people find personal success and dramatically improve their inter-personal relationships. It has a twenty year track record of success with hundreds of companies like Ford, Pfizer, Washington Mutual, ESPN, Kraft, Boeing, JC Penny, Cargill, Sabre, I.C. System, and thousands of schools, hospitals, and government agencies, who have used it to build teamwork, and to improve communications and customer relations.

What Makes True Colors Different?

The strength and power of True Colors is that it takes the elaborate method of understanding personality theory and distils it into a user-friendly, practical tool that is fun to use and easy to apply.

  • It's highly interactive and engaging
  • It's easy to understand *** PEOPLE GET IT!!! all levels of an organization (Top to Bottom)…absolutely critical for any major shift.
  • It's easy to integrate into your training initiatives
  • It's easy to remember

Heal Thyself

It is ironic that working in health care can so often be stressful and psychologically degrading. We seek to promote health, yet our own health can be depleted at work through chronic misunderstanding, staff conflict, and feeling disrespected.

True Colors can help you deliver optimal health care through having a well coordinated chain of communication from intake through client care and release. When everyone on your team learns to listen to others, and can speak in ways that makes themselves understood, then everyone benefits. Staff are more attentive to one another. Bedside manner improves. The level of care everywhere increases. Patients are happier and improve more quickly.

True Colors is your prescription to healthy communication. Take a dose of the medicine that your workplace needs.

Call a True Colors representative today for an intake assessment of your needs. You can also take the True Colors Test to discover your own True Colors.

Monday, January 28, 2013

True Colors for Non Profit Organizations

Serving the Public

Your Organization exists to help serve others. How can you fully give your time and attention if you are drained by the frustrations of working together? True Colors helps you understand and deal with difficult people and teaches you how to tap into the strengths of differences to work synergistically as a team.

Dealing with the Public can be rewarding and fulfilling, and yet there are times that dealing with the various personalities of those you serve can be difficult. When you can recognize the True Colors of others, you can understand how to relate to them better. You'll discover ways to motivate, encourage and communicate with even those you thought you could never connect with.

True Success with True Colors

  • Discover your own True Colors personality spectrum
  • Recognize the strengths, stressors and motivations of other personality styles
  • Learn to communicate so people want to listen
  • Appreciate the different opinions, approaches and values of others while still feeling validated for your own way of doing things.
  • Finally understand WHY people behave the way they do!
  • Bring out the best in yourself and others

Making the World a Better Place Starts at Home

Your social service organization exists to make the world a better place. If your workplace is stymied with communication breakdowns, lack of respect, or misunderstandings, then you are facing a double tragedy. First, your staff suffers. Secondly, your ability to accomplish your mission is degraded.

True Colors can help you make the world a better place by making your workplace a better place. With True Colors training, your staff will know how to hear one another, and respond in a way that will be understood. Investing a small portion of your donor’s funds in a True Colors seminar will leverage your effectiveness into your field of service and make you more successful at fulfilling your mission statement and attracting future funding.

Call a True Colors representative now to explore how your organization can improve your service through better communication, and take the True Colors Test to discover your own personality.

Monday, January 21, 2013

True Colors Corporate Programs

Work demands can bring numerous opportunities for stress and frustration alone, but combine these challenges with staff conflicts, personality clashes and snarled lines of communication and it becomes virtually impossible to deliver excellence.

When there is improvement in team cohesiveness through relationship-building, effective communication, respect, and fair treatment, satisfaction levels increase and so does the quality of client care. The desired business outcomes of increased market share and profitability follow.

Strengthen Your Staff with True Colors

Being able to recognize your True Colors and the True Colors of others improves the overall effectiveness and efficiency of your team by revealing the motivation behind behaviors and directing the focus and energy of team members on your mission instead of organizational conflicts, territorialism or personality conflicts.

What Makes True Colors Different?

The strength and power of True Colors is that it takes the elaborate method of understanding personality theory and distils it into a user-friendly, practical tool that is fun to use and easy to apply.

  • It's highly interactive and engaging
  • It's easy to understand *** PEOPLE GET IT!!! all levels of an organization (Top to Bottom)…absolutely critical for any major shift.
  • It's easy to integrate into your training initiatives
  • It's easy to remember
Want to get started? Take the True Colors Test for a sneak peak at what a world of difference True Colors can make.

Monday, January 14, 2013

True Colors Military Programs

True Colors has been successfully implemented for over 28 years by the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, Reserves and National Guard. Many of these are involved with the Airmen & Family Readiness Program. In addition, True Colors International has facilitators at various USAF bases in the USA and in countries world-wide.

The True Colors Live Show has been enthusiastically embraced as a useful tool for introducing the True Colors concepts and the powerful communication benefits for indoctrination of new recruits. Furthermore, military cadet leadership programs have used True Colors as a training tool to strengthen leadership skills.

Tactical Level Programs

True Colors offers programs customized to meet military Institutional Competencies at the tactical and operational level of development.

Beginning with the Personal Success program, participants experience the foundational piece of True Colors focused on the specific needs of the participants and the organization. In addition to a thorough understanding of your personality, you will take steps in learning to build rapport with others in one or more of the following areas:

  • Conflict Causing Hot Button Issues
  • Change Management
  • Deployment/Reunion Issues
  • Communication
  • Leadership Styles

Operational Development Program

True Colors operational development programs focus directly on the needs of your organization by developing programs with organizational leaders. An experienced True Colors Coach will conduct an analysis of your unit's needs through a True Colors's gap analysis and then target a specific program for your unit's developmental needs. The basic awareness program is a pre-requisite. These are stand alone programs. However, they can be combined at the same time with the Personal Success program:
  • Communication
  • Teambuilding

The Best Possible Intelligence

Accountability and responsibility run up and down the chain of command by means of communication. If the weakest link in that chain is the communication itself, mission effectiveness is compromised.

Despite the awesome power of our military technology, we still depend upon human intelligence to survey a scenario, interpret the data, and make decisions that others must then understand and execute. Understanding one another is crucial to the smooth operation of the military machine.

That understanding can be trained, and True Colors is your ally. In a True Colors seminar, your troops can learn how to listen, and to speak in a way that can be most effectively understood.

Call True Colors now to learn how you can do more to preserve the red, white and blue. Take the True Colors Test too while you're at it ;)

Monday, January 7, 2013

True Colors Programs Tailored for Government

True Colors has been successfully implemented for over 28 years by the Dept. of Revenue, U.S. and Federal Courts, Federal Bureau of Prisons, and numerous state, county and local agencies.

True Colors programs foster positive, healthy, productive personal development that improves communication, teambuilding, leadership, morale and conflict resolution skills both at work and at home.

By implementing a True Colors program, you will see individual performance improved, workplace and personal stress reduced, greater levels of employee satisfaction, a more harmonious work environment, and more successful leaders.

As a result of participating in True Colors Programs dramatic changes can occur through:

  • Recognizing the need for self-confidence, pride, dignity, respect, and sense of worthiness in all situations.
  • Providing the language skills of effective communication.
  • Improving the skills and attitudes as advisor, counselor, consultant, and trouble-shooter, to achieve a greater level of success.
  • Providing strategies that develop rapport and teambuilding

What Makes True Colors Different?

The strength and power of True Colors is that it takes the elaborate method of understanding personality theory and distils it into a user-friendly, practical tool that is fun to use and easy to apply to real-life situations. One of the ways True Colors communicates its messages is through "edutainment" programs that engage participants in an interactive experience that entertains, while it educates – leaving them with skills they will retain long afterwards. This "edutainment" element sets it apart from other systems by providing a fun avenue that allows participants to become absorbed in the process in a non-threatening atmosphere.

Get started today by taking the True Colors Test and see for yourself what a different True Colors can really make in your life and the life of those around you.