Monday, December 31, 2012

True Colors in Education

Your School Environment

Do you work in education to be part of an established learning culture... to help students learn, develop, and become more effective in the world? Isn’t it ironic how the organizational structure supporting this educational system can be disrupted by misunderstandings, conflicts, and lack of respect?

Much of the success of an academic institution depends upon communication, not only inside the classroom between teacher and student, but throughout the entire campus and beyond. A student’s day begins with the first interaction – be it with a bus driver or school secretary and continues throughout the day and into the surrounding community.

Cooperation or Conflict?

When the staff is not getting along, the students (and their academic achievement) are affected.

The demands of providing educational opportunities for students can bring numerous opportunities for stress and frustration alone. Combine these challenges with staff conflicts, personality clashes and snarled lines of communication and it becomes virtually impossible to deliver excellence.

Introducing True Colors to Your Staff

True Colors helps everyone involved in the education process -teachers, administrators, counselors, students and support staff—become a team coordinated around the goal of learning outcomes.

An expert True Colors Facilitator introduces administrators, faculty and staff to this interactive, entertaining and easy to remember Personal Success Seminar, providing new tools to understand themselves and work with students.

True Colors has been used successfully in education for thirty years, to gain higher levels of self esteem, academic achievement and improved personal relationships in school and in families.

True Colors School Program Goals:

  • Increase Attendance
  • Achieve Higher Test Scores
  • Motivate Positive Achievement
  • Build Respect & Trust
  • Improve Grades
  • Promote Cooperation
  • Reduce Stressors
  • Enhance Self-Esteem
  • Resolve Conflict
  • Identify “at-risk” Behaviors
  • Bond Entire Organization
Get started by taking the True Colors Test to discover your True Colors personality spectrum.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

True Colors Personality Test

Are you curious about your own unique personality style?

Is there someone in your life you would like to understand or get along with better? Would you like to find out how others see you?
Take the True Colors Online Assessment!

When you complete the True Colors Online Assessment you’ll receive an in-depth 20+ page True Colors Report describing your behavioral tendencies in your interactions with others. You'll also receive powerfully effective methods for helping you succeed with people who have a different True Colors Color Spectrum.

Features of the True Colors Online Assessment
  • Gain immediate access to view and print your comprehensive, personalized 20 - page True Colors Report.
  • Invite an unlimited number of observers to complete an Automated Online Assessment that allows you to see how others see you. You get the unique gift of seeing yourself through the eyes of others. Do others see you the way you see yourself?
  • View and print an Observer Composite Report. This is where you can view, at a glance, the observers you invited. You can tell who has completed their assessment and who has not. Then you can send a reminder with one click.
  • View and print several key articles to gain an even deeper understanding of the True Colors methodology -- how it was developed and why it works. All included.
  • Access your private home page for 60 days.
Take the True Colors Test today to discover your True Colors!

Monday, December 17, 2012

True Colors Live Show

Add Excitement with the True Colors Live Show!

If you are looking for a fun, exciting way to add interaction and entertainment to your meeting, conference or special event while your participants learn valuable concepts – the True Colors LIVE SHOW is your answer!

For over 28 years True Colors has performed thousands of Live Show Events for every kind of audience imaginable. A truly effective way to fully experience and understand the True Colors methodology is through a Live Show Event.

The True Colors LIVE SHOW Process

Four True Colors actors portray four specific personality types as the players act out short vignettes showing how hilarious our interactive everyday experiences can be at home and at work.

As the show opens, each attendee receives his or her own True Colors "Casting Kit" consisting of four cards with a picture depicting the activities of each personality on one side and a verbal description on the back. The cards help the participants identify their own primary color (personality style) as the True Colors actors arrive on stage. The script provides a comedy-style presentation, which immediately captivates the entire audience.

Customized for Your Event

These interactive and lively "Edutainment" performances are customized for the organization or theme, allow participants to experience aspects about "who we all are" in a lighthearted theatrical presentation that will have everyone laughing as they recognize themselves and others. The door of understanding each other opens as everyone gains new insights into their own communication style and why others act as they do.

The True Colors LIVE SHOW can be a stand-alone performance or include small group activities in which Participants invited to join their "color group" to determine their strengths and stressors and the groups are reunited to apply the information in group interaction. You can also use the True Colors LIVE SHOW to kick off a full spectrum of other True Colors trainings for your organization that include Additional Applications such as Teambuilding, Communication, Wellness and others.


There are currently eight theatrical casts, located in California, New York, Texas, Florida, Chicago, Oregon, Puerto Rico, and Canada who perform this Live Show for:

  • Keynotes
  • Breakout Sessions
  • Conference Entertainment Shows
  • Other Special Events including corporate picnics and icebreakers.

Schedule the LIVE SHOW

If you want your group to interact better with others and leave your event wanting more, you need to schedule a True Colors Live Show Event for your next conference, seminar program, teambuilding program, holiday party, or special event. With eight casts around the world, True Colors Live Show (Edutainment) Events are presented as a three (3) hour interactive Live Show Event (an alternative to a True Colors Seminar if your group is larger than 50) or a one and one-half (1 ½) hour Keynote Show.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

True Colors Learning Styles for Teachers

The Teaching & Learning Styles Certification Training will help participants understand an introduction to the True Colors concept in relationship to personality and temperament styles. Practical and useful activities apply the True Colors concepts to teaching that becomes the springboard for developing improved teaching skills, greater communication in the classroom and positive attitudes and a positive school environment.

This instructive and interactive certification training gives educators specific techniques to reach different student personality styles. Teachers gather tools that help create a classroom climate where each student has a successful learning experience. This certification training is especially helpful for alternative schools, drug abuse prevention, teaching life skills, and character development.

Certification allows you the opportunity to deliver seminars, workshops, and in‐service programs and order True Colors facilitator‐only products.

To become a certified trainer for the Teaching & Learning Styles Application, you must have completed the Personal Success certification training. The Teaching & Learning Styles certification is a very specific training that utilizes the True Colors personality temperament model as the foundation for integrating the Teaching & Learning Styles application throughout your organization.

NOTE: Personal Success (Basic Awareness) Certification is a prerequisite for the Teaching & Learning Styles Application Certification Training.

Key Benefits Include:
• Improve understanding of self and others and enhance the appreciation of differences
• Provide renewal activities for teachers through positive professional development
• Learn instructional strategies to increase student performance, support at risk learners and
address needs of all students
• Improve learning opportunities for all students and enhance communication between student,
teacher, staff and parents
• Create a more harmonious, organized classroom for each learning style

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

True Colors Coaching Styles

In this Certification Training, you will discover a proven design for athletic coaching for relationships, respectful communication, and achievement and improvement. Learn how to use True Colors Coaching beginning with the practice environment, and then understanding practical strategies for coaches and administrators to help meet the challenges of communicating with athletes and parents.

Certification allows you the opportunity to deliver seminars, workshops, and in‐service programs and order True Colors facilitator‐only products.

To become a certified trainer for the True Coaching Application, you must have completed the Personal Success certification training. The True Coaching certification is a very specific training that utilizes the True Colors personality temperament model as the foundation for integrating the True Coaching application throughout your organization.

NOTE: Personal Success (Basic Awareness) Certification is a prerequisite for the True Coaching Application Certification Training.

Key Benefits Include:
• Learn techniques to overcome coaching obstacles
• Look at “rules” that are commonly violated and troubleshoot problems
• Enhance self‐esteem, motivate skill development and success, and gain cooperation
• Learn to work with each athlete by understanding their True Colors spectrum

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

True Colors Parenting Styles

Based on Kathy Hayward’s book, “True Parenting: How to Foster Deeper Family Ties and a Harmonious Home”, participants will explore and discover the “True Colors” of each family member, gaining insights into how parents influence the behaviors of the children. Learn how to parent each child in ways to which they will naturally respond and accept according to their True Colors.

Understanding, respect, motivation and self‐esteem begin in the home. In the True Parenting certification training, participants will discover their true parenting style and improve relationships, communication, motivation and discipline skills.

Certification allows you the opportunity to deliver seminars, workshops, and in‐service programs and order True Colors facilitator‐only products.

To become a certified trainer for the True Parenting Application, you must have completed the Personal Success certification training. The True Parenting certification is a very specific training that utilizes the True Colors personality temperament model as the foundation for integrating the True Parenting application throughout your organization or home.

NOTE: Personal Success (Basic Awareness) Certification is a prerequisite for the True Parenting Application Certification Training.

Key Benefits Include:
• Learn how to deepen family relationships and create a more harmonious home environment
• Enhance parenting skills in communication, motivation, discipline, and building self‐esteem
• Gain insight into the parenting relationship that you share with your “other half”
• Discover parenting your children in the right Colors‐ understand your family rainbow

Monday, November 19, 2012

True Colors Teambuilding

Each organization, whether it be a corporation, school, hospital, government agency, military or non‐profit, requires teams of people working together to accomplish their goals. Each team best utilizes the talents and resources of its participants. True Colors provides an ideal method for choosing, mixing and motivating your team members, so that they will perform at their best in an interactive, supportive, creative, and responsible manner.

In the True Colors Teambuilding Certification Training, you will learn how to work with different personality types and how to use their strengths and interests to best set up teams that efficiently handle projects, activate sales, produce products and services, interact with customers, manage and maintain their departments and the organization as a whole. Team leaders need to understand the individual talents and strengths of each team member and how to work effectively with staff. As a team leader, it is important to know who needs attention, who wants to feel appreciated, and who may prefer to be left alone. Each person often has a different idea of the way things should be done.

Certification allows you the opportunity to deliver seminars, workshops, and in‐service programs and order True Colors facilitator‐only products.

To become a certified trainer for the Teambuilding Application, you must have completed the Personal Success certification training. The Teambuilding certification is a very specific training that utilizes the True Colors personality temperament model as the foundation for integrating the Teambuilding application throughout your organization.

NOTE: Personal Success (Basic Awareness) Certification is a prerequisite for the Teambuilding Application Certification Training.

Key Benefits Include:
• Learn to choose members of a team using True Colors as your guide to different personality types, being able to recognize how they will contribute their talents and abilities
• Understand how to increase team performance
• Learn the essential traits of a successful team and learn stages of team development
• Discover the “Dream Team”

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

True Colors Communications

Everyone agrees that communication is a key factor for success in any environment where people interact. True Colors can be used as a guide to the choice of words and approach that will help make the communication process easier and more effective. Individuals can learn to speak and respond in ways which best fit the needs of each of the personality types being addressed. The way a person phrases a sentence, the body language, the meaning behind the words all add up to whether or not the speaker is understood.

In the True Communication Certification Training, you will learn how to improve your individual communication skills and interaction with different personality types. You will be able to strengthen rapport, boost listening skills and clearly deliver your message in a mutually beneficial way. Additionally, you will gain insights on how to help attendees to improve their personal performance through effective communication.

Certification allows you the opportunity to deliver seminars, workshops, and in‐service programs and order True Colors facilitator‐only products.+

To become a certified trainer for the True Communication Application, you must have completed the foundational Personal Success certification training. The True Communication certification is a very specific training that utilizes the True Colors personality temperament model as the foundation for integrating the True Communication application for personal and professional success.

Key Benefits Include:
• Learn practical skills to enhance communication in any situation
• Distinguish the situations that prevent open communication for each style and what elements have been a stumbling blocks individually
• Determine the communication preferences, and tips for communicating with each style
• Identify the motivations behind the actions and mode of operation for each style

Monday, November 5, 2012

The True Colors Las Vegas Adventure Awaits You

The True Colors Adventure in Las Vegas Begins...

December 6-8, 2012

Each of us has our own style, preferences and ways of working. So how can we all work/live together? The True Colors® Personal Success Seminar helps participants explore their own and other’s distinctive personality strengths and stressors. They learn to respect and appreciate differences in the ways people function and better understand relationship building, effective communication and team effort. If you want to make a difference with others, now is the time to become a True Colors Facilitator.

As a Certified True Colors® Personal Success Facilitator, you will be able to facilitate True Colors® seminars, workshops or presentations using the True Colors® method within your organization or as a consultant with your clients. You will also be authorized to purchase True Colors® licensed materials so you can reach your audiences and impact their lives in a positive way.

Key Benefits of Becoming a True Colors® Certified Facilitator:
• Identify your True Colors® Color Spectrum of personality traits.
• Build understanding and rapport with diverse groups
• Recognize values, motivations, joys and strengths, stressors and frustrations of each personality
• Learn how to develop positive self-esteem in self and others
Learn teambuilding techniques
• Understand a better way of communicating and relating with others
• Become licensed to purchase True Colors® materials and gain the knowledge to use them

True Colors® can be easily integrated into your organization by training your designated staff to become certified facilitators. A facilitator certification training session is a 2½ day training presented by a True Colors® Master Trainer. As a licensed facilitator, you will be able to implement True Colors® Personal Success Seminars and Workshops for employees, staff, family and others using our True Colors® books, materials and merchandise.

Personal Success Facilitator Certification Training: Length: 2½ Days

Attend this Las Vegas training, or any one of our scheduled Personal Success facilitator certification training sessions throughout the country. (See fees below and on registration form.)

Also available is On-site Personal Success facilitator certification training. A True Colors Master Trainer will come to your facility and train members of your organization on site. Pricing is per quote.

Additional Facilitator Certification Trainings: Contact Your True Colors Representative

To become a certified facilitator for an Additional Application of a True Colors product, you must have completed the Personal Success certification training. Additional Applications are customized around specific messages such as Teambuilding, Communication, Teaching/Learning Styles, Parenting, Leadership, and others. These are very specific programs and utilize the True Colors personality temperament model as the foundation for integrating the Additional Application message throughout your organization

Monday, October 29, 2012

What makes the True Colors Assessment Unique

True Colors appeals to all personality styles, not just one or two. Our on-line assessment version accesses both the right and left brain by using several methods for discovery. Your preferences are ranked from most like you to least like you instead of forcing only one choice.

People never feel "pigeon-holed" by this model because everyone possesses a Color Spectrum, from brightest to palest. This greatly enhances the ability to understand yourself and others.

True Colors Online Assessment is the only model specifically designed to reveal aspects of your entire personality spectrum that is uniquely you, according to your assessment responses, not just a general description of your dominant style.

Offers Detailed Specifics Not only do you receive information about yourself and your True Colors Spectrum. The Assessment report gives tips and methods for applying the information to improve interactions with other styles.

It makes inherent sense Everyone immediately understands and relates to colors. A majority of people think visually and after learning this model, it's easy to quickly see a person's colors without needing to remember names, formulas, or letters. Participants report that True Colors is the most user-friendly model they've ever experienced.

Includes a 360 Component Not only do you have the opportunity to find out your True Colors personality spectrum, you may invite others to assess your personality as well. This provides important information about how effectively you are coming across to others.

True Colors is Fun and Entertaining The 22+ page report you receive contains famous quotes, lively graphics, and even in some places cartoons. It is not only fun to read, it’s visually appealing.

Offers an Assortment The True Colors online assessment measures your preference and behaviors in a variety of contexts resulting in a rich, comprehensive exploration of personality characteristics. You’ll enjoy finding out about yourself and validating your unique style.

The True Colors Online Assessment is for you if you want to gain deeper insights, specific descriptions, fun facts and discover your full spectrum of True Colors traits. Find out your True Colors personality style and find out how you are coming across to others. Use this information to strengthen communication, reduce conflicts and increase your overall effectiveness.

Monday, October 22, 2012

True Colors Online Personality Assessment

Are you curious about your own unique personality style?

Is there someone in your life you would like to understand or get along with better? Would you like to find out how others see you?

 Take the True Colors Online Assessment!

When you complete the True Colors Online Assessment you’ll receive an in-depth 20+ page True Colors Report describing your behavioral tendencies in your interactions with others. You'll also receive powerfully effective methods for helping you succeed with people who have a different True Colors Color Spectrum.

 Features of the True Colors Online Assessment
  • Gain immediate access to view and print your comprehensive, personalized 20 - page True Colors Report. 
  • Invite an unlimited number of observers to complete an Automated Online Assessment that allows you to see how others see you. You get the unique gift of seeing yourself through the eyes of others. Do others see you the way you see yourself? 
  • View and print an Observer Composite Report. This is where you can view, at a glance, the observers you invited. You can tell who has completed their assessment and who has not. Then you can send a reminder with one click. 
  • View and print several key articles to gain an even deeper understanding of the True Colors methodology -- how it was developed and why it works. All included. 
  • Access your private home page for 60 days.
Discover your True Colors today when you take our online personality test.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

True Colors For Your Dog?

Introduction to Canine Colors

Each individual has a distinct personality that sets us apart from all the rest. It’s that distinct personality that makes people who they are. Identifying their strengths by using the True Colors model makes them shine like the brightest star in the sky.

Did you know that this same theory can be applied to dogs, too? Like people, each individual dog has a distinct personality. Use this booklet to discover your strengths and learn more about yourself and the colorful personalities that make up the Canine World.

This groundbreaking book will introduce you to yourself and your pet in a way you never imagined. Canine colors gives a compelling view of how we can find our perfect canine companion. A must read for every, or soon-to-be, dog owner.

What Are People Saying About Canine Colors?

I recently had the pleasure of attending the International True Colors Association Annual Conference, held this year in Spokane, Washington. All sessions were of interest to me, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time there.

One of the sessions was led by Freddie Dogterom, and she introduced the group to Canine Colors. My initial reaction to the topic was skepticism - in the midst of all the "meaty" subject-matter, what was this stuff about dogs? It sounded pretty "fluffy" to me.

But throughout the session, I found myself thinking back to dogs I had known. Their personalities fit with the general breed characteristics listed, and helped explain and put into context their behavior. I found myself examining my "dog behavior preferences," and came to the conclusion I had not adequately understood the basic needs and values of various "kinds" of dogs.

When I returned home to Edmonton, I went over to a friend's place. He has a Jack Russell Terrier - chronically "misbehaved." But this was my judgment - I had not taken into account the dog's needs for play, engagement and strategic thinking. "Roxie's" needs were not being met. As I integrated this, I began to relax, and found myself enjoying a new level of engagement with "Roxie" - we played "fetch" and "tug of war" for almost two hours while my friend and I talked. The interesting thing that occurred was that after the games, "Roxie" actually calmed down, laid down, contented. She hadn't ever done this before. She was tired, yes, but also very much at peace. Her needs had been met; she could relax. It was wonderful to see.

This experience, in addition to the wonderful session at the conference, gave impetus for this message. Thank you for putting this material together. It is eye-catching, simple, applicable, and "valid." It has already made a significant difference for me, if only with one dog, and I hope to register for the upcoming Canine Colors Certification Training, schedule permitting. If products like this can continue to be produced, within a variety of diverse applications, True Colors International will continue to gain popularity and acceptance. Please continue your good work. Thank you,

Tyler Orn
True Colors Advanced Facilitator

Monday, October 15, 2012

True Colors Live Shows & Keynotes

Add Excitement with the True Colors Live Show!

If you are looking for a fun, exciting way to add interaction and entertainment to your meeting, conference or special event while your participants learn valuable concepts – the True Colors LIVE SHOW is your answer!

For over 28 years True Colors has performed thousands of Live Show Events for every kind of audience imaginable. A truly effective way to fully experience and understand the True Colors methodology is through a Live Show Event.

The True Colors LIVE SHOW Process

Four True Colors actors portray four specific personality types as the players act out short vignettes showing how hilarious our interactive everyday experiences can be at home and at work.

As the show opens, each attendee receives his or her own True Colors "Casting Kit" consisting of four cards with a picture depicting the activities of each personality on one side and a verbal description on the back. The cards help the participants identify their own primary color (personality style) as the True Colors actors arrive on stage. The script provides a comedy-style presentation, which immediately captivates the entire audience.

Customized for Your Event

These interactive and lively "Edutainment" performances are customized for the organization or theme, allow participants to experience aspects about "who we all are" in a lighthearted theatrical presentation that will have everyone laughing as they recognize themselves and others. The door of understanding each other opens as everyone gains new insights into their own communication style and why others act as they do.

The True Colors LIVE SHOW can be a stand-alone performance or include small group activities in which Participants invited to join their "color group" to determine their strengths and stressors and the groups are reunited to apply the information in group interaction. You can also use the True Colors LIVE SHOW to kick off a full spectrum of other True Colors trainings for your organization that include Additional Applications such as Teambuilding, Communication, Wellness and others.


There are currently eight theatrical casts, located in California, New York, Texas, Florida, Chicago, Oregon, Puerto Rico, and Canada who perform this Live Show for:

Breakout Sessions
Conference Entertainment Shows
Other Special Events including corporate picnics and icebreakers.

Schedule the True Colors LIVE SHOW

If you want your group to interact better with others and leave your event wanting more, you need to schedule a True Colors Live Show Event for your next conference, seminar program, teambuilding program, holiday party, or special event. With eight casts around the world, True Colors Live Show (Edutainment) Events are presented as a three (3) hour interactive Live Show Event (an alternative to a True Colors Seminar if your group is larger than 50) or a one and one-half (1 ½) hour Keynote Show.

Contact Letitia Fox at for more information or call (800) 422-4686 ext. 235.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

True Colors Additional Applications Certification Courses

True Communication

 Understanding the distinctive ways in which different personalities approach communication is key to success. Promote open, honest conduct by understanding and appreciating different communication contributions and approaches.

True Teambuilding

Whether existing or newly formed, team members learn how to bring out the best in each other, how each member’s primary color – and a representation of all colors – is important to the team’s success, and how to bring up your paler colors for the benefit of the team’s goals.

True Parenting

Based on Kathy Hayward’s book “True Parenting”, participants explore “True Colors” of each family member, gaining insights into how parents influence the behaviors of the children. Learn how to parent each child in ways to which they will naturally respond and accept according to their True Colors.

True Coaching

 This hands-on, interactive workshop teaches practical and useful activities that apply True Colors concepts to the difficult job of sports coaching. Discover how each team member contributes and influences the others and how to coach your athletes in ways to which they will naturally respond and accept according to their True Colors.

True Learning Styles

 This instructional and interactive seminar gives educators specific techniques to reach all student personality styles. Teachers gather tools that help to create a classroom climate where each student has a successful learning experience. This seminar is especially helpful for alternative schools, schools wanting to change, and connect with students who are not achieving.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

True Colors Additional Application Certification - ADVANCED

Personal Success Certification to: Foundational Success Certification

Whether you are a seasoned trainer of True Colors, or a facilitator just starting out, there will come a time when you will ask yourself, “What’s next?”

How do I help my participants build upon the True Colors information they’ve learned?

How do I offer my participants a wider range of True Colors workshops

How do I advance my True Colors expertise?

Your Next Step with True Colors – Advanced Certification

If you’ve ever struggled to find more True Colors training strategies, specific activities that are fun – yet effective, and resources to answer the questions and meet the needs  your participants, clients, or growing business for MORE True Colors applications, these certification trainings will provide the avenue.

If you are a certified True Colors facilitator or trainer who wants to offer MORE programs, gain MORE True Colors expertise and generate MORE income from your seminars… these applications were created with you and your needs in mind.

The methods you’re going to learn at these trainings will work for a certified True Colors facilitator at any level – whether you’re a beginning True Colors facilitator trying to break out of the pack, or an experienced trainer who wants to give your participants more applications or your career new life.

For more information, visit

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

True Colors Success Certification - THE FOUNDATION

If you are passionate about the True Colors Programs and want to make a difference with others, now is the time to take the next step – become a certified True Colors Facilitator! Facilitators are trained to deliver True Colors seminars in an engaging format. Every year Certified True Colors Facilitators help thousands of participants, young and old, to have a greater understanding of themselves and others while learning in a fun, engaging environment.

Once you become a Certified True Colors  Facilitator you can implement True Colors workshops and presentations within  your organization (or as a consultant to any organization) and are eligible to  purchase True Colors licensed materials. True Colors has 30 years of experience  supporting its trainers. Become one of them!

Who Can Become a True Colors Certified Facilitator?

Anyone who would like to master and utilize the True Colors methodology in their personal and professional lives and environments

Anyone who would like to conduct seminars or presentations within their school, organization, company or community using True Colors Programs

Anyone that wants to act as a consultant and take the True Colors methodology into other organizations.

Becoming a Certified True Colors Facilitator is for you if you want to…
  • Develop mastery of the True Colors Model
  • Harness a working appreciation of the values, joys, strengths, stresses and frustrations of each personality style
  • Build confidence in presenting and training True Colors
  • Further your ability to stand up and present True Colors persuasively in front of groups
  • Model and become the very best Trainer you can become
  • Learn how to develop positive self-esteem in self and others
  • Learn teambuilding techniques that can be used in a wide variety of organizations
  • Lead, train, or facilitate True Colors Personal Success Seminars
  • Create or expand your career as a Trainer
  • Become a leader in the True Colors community
  • Become licensed to purchase True Colors licensed materials with the invaluable knowledge about how to use them effectively
For information on certification costs, visit

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

3 Levels of True Colors Certification

There are three levels of True Colors Certification, one of which is by invitation only.

THE FOUNDATION - Personal Success Certification
This 2½- Day certification training provides you with the skills to facilitate the foundational 3- hour Personal Success Seminar. You will learn the 7 Essential Elements to presenting the True Colors that combine education with entertainment for maximum participation and lasting impact.

As a Certified True Colors Personal Success Facilitator, you can implement True Colors workshops and presentations in your organization or as a consultant and can purchase True Colors licensed materials (not available to the public).

ADVANCED – Additional Application Certification
Take the next step in applying the True Colors concepts.

As a Certified True Colors Additional Application Facilitator, you can implement True Colors workshops and presentations in your organization or as a consultant and can purchase True Colors licensed materials (not available to the public). 

MASTER LEVEL – Train the Trainer Certification
Once you have acquired certification for a minimum of 5 Additional Applications you may be eligible to become a trainer for True Colors International. Candidates are considered for this level of certification depending upon their expertise, experience, peer evaluation and participant feedback. There is an interview process involved.

As a Certified True Colors Master Trainer, you can train others to implement True Colors workshops and presentations in your organization or as a consultant and can purchase True Colors licensed materials (not available to the public).

Contact a True Colors representative for more information at

Monday, September 10, 2012

True Colors Certification

If you are passionate about the True Colors Programs and want to make a difference with others, now is the time to take the next step: becoming a certified True Colors Facilitator. Facilitators are trained to deliver True Colors seminars in an engaging format. Every year they help thousands of participants, young and old, to have a greater understanding of themselves and others.

Why should I become certified?

  • Build understanding and rapport with diverse groups
  • Recognize the values, joys, strengths, stresses and frustrations of each personality
  • Know the sources and learn how to develop positive self-esteem in self and others
  • Learn teambuilding techniques
  • Understand a better way of communicating
  • Lead True Colors Basic Awareness Seminars
  • Be licensed to purchase True Colors licensed materials with the knowledge on how to use them

Who can become certified?

IN- HOUSE or INTERNAL Facilitator: These individuals are “employees” and their registration fees are typically paid for by their employer. Their goal is to deliver the True Colors methodology for the employees within their organization.

INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT: This individual is self-employed or wishes to seek certification to deliver the True Colors methodology for organizations that contract their services. These individuals typically pay for their own registration fees and provide counseling, coaching, or consulting services for a fee.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Appreciating Differences Can Make all the Difference

It’s always important to watch the bottom line, but especially so in tight economic times. That makes a True Colors training particularly important now. You need every advantage in today’s business environment. What is it worth to you to increase customer satisfaction and preserve your client’s business? True Colors also helps reduce conflict in your own workplace, and increases the productivity of your employees. A small investment in your staff now can pay great dividends immediately and ongoing.

True Colors originated the use of colors as a way of explaining personality differences in 1978, and has been the leading trainer in this personality temperament model for over 30 years. After decades of working with corporations around the world, we guarantee that your people will not only easily learn valuable business lessons, but be able to actually apply them in your workplace for a long-lasting benefit. Our thriving business is to help your business thrive. We deliver success. Choose success now!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

True Colors Personal Success Workshops

This foundational, interactive seminar introduces participants to the powerful True Colors concepts. Using genuine True Colors materials, participants will determine their True Colors personality spectrum including their most dominant color style and learn to recognize the True Colors of others.

Imagine your staff members working together synergistically, problem solving with respect and trust. The effectiveness of each team member is increased when they are feeling validated, valued and understood. The True Colors Personal Success Seminar can shift the way your team interacts in ways you’ve only dreamed of... until now. Put the power of personality to work for you. Help your staff discover their True Colors - it is the key to their personal success.

Discover Your True Colors

Strengthen relationships and create a more harmonious environment True Colors provides a universal language that connects an organization, a family, a team.

Foster appreciation of differences in self and others. True Colors promote self-esteem, respect and confidence.

Flexibility of customizing seminars to reach specific goals and objectives. True Colors is easy to integrate into existing framework.

Retain the insights and skills learned long after the workshop experience. True Colors is easy to understand and remember.

True Colors Workshop Format

The Personal Success Seminar is designed to be a 3-4 hour workshop.

Other time formats are available, ranging from 90 minutes to a full day.

Participant activities and experiences such as large and small group discussions are involved.

This program may be combined with a LIVE SHOW, Additional Applications, or the Online
Assessment for maximum impact.

True Colors for Personal Awareness

This program is designed for beginning level – those individuals just learning about True Colors.
Specific components for management are available.

This is a participant program for self awareness and is not a facilitator training. Staff members may be eligible to become certified to teach this program within your Organization.

If you are interested in becoming certified to facilitate the True Colors Personal Success workshop, you can find out how by visiting our CERTIFICATION page for more info.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions About True Colors

Q: How long has True Colors been in business?
A: Since 1978.

Q: What is the research behind the True Colors methodology?
A: True Colors is an experiential self discovery assessment, the following research is available: No More Dropouts, Validity & Reliability I, Reliability & Validity II, PATS, Interpersonal Communication for Md.Sch. Students.

Q: How do I become a Certified True Colors Facilitator?
A: You will need to attend and satisfactorily complete Certification Training, please  for the schedule and pricing.  Call us at 800-422-4686 and a True Colors Representative will help you with your questions.

Q: How do I progress from Facilitator upward to higher Levels?
A: The entry level to deliver a True Colors presentation is as a certified facilitator, sometimes referred to as a trainer. A Master Trainer is someone who conducts certification trainings and is the next level. This person has experience delivering seminars and has completed a list of requirements. Our highest level is an Executive Trainer. These are the people who work with those wishing to become Master Trainers. Executive Trainers are also certified in multiple Additional Applications. For more information on True Colors facilitator levels you may view our Terminology List or Certifications page to learn about becoming certified.

Q: How can I place an order?
A: Certified Facilitators need to log in to the facilitator-only Get-Connected area of this web site. For the general public, please visit our online store.
We accept Purchase Orders, Master Card, Visa, and American Express (We do not accept American Express from Canada).  Please allow 5-7 working days, regular ground for you to receive once we have the order.  Canada and International, please allow more time.  Please note:  Most True Colors materials are for True Colors Certified Trainers and Facilitators.  You must be a Certified True Colors Facilitator and have signed on file the current Facilitator Agreement to purchase True Colors Facilitator materials.

Q: What True Colors books and materials are available for those that are not facilitators?
A: True Colors has a large selection of books available for public purchase. Please visit our True Colors Store for a selection.

Q: What if I need to return or exchange True Colors books, materials and/or merchandise that I have purchased?
A: Please contact your True Colors Account Representative or Customer Service Representative.  All returns must be in good, resalable condition, and within 30 days of purchase.

Q: I attended a True Colors session a few years ago that my previous employer set up, and I received four nice color cards and it was very enjoyable. I would like to copy these cards and use with my new employer for a departmental meeting. Do I need some kind of approval to do this?
A: Our materials may not be reproduced without express permission from True Colors. Please call us at 800-422-4686 and speak to an Account Representative.

Q: How can I receive permission to photocopy/duplicate/modify?
A: True Colors is protected by strict Copyright Law.  We do have a licensing process for single time or minimal use of the True Colors name and/or methodology. Please  to contact us regarding this.

Q: I would like to develop a program, book, etc?
A: Please contact us regarding this.

Q: What is the difference between a workshop, seminar, class, or presentation?
A: Essentially a seminar, workshop and class are all seminars. A presentation could be a Live Show event or a seminar.

Q: Where do you currently have casts of Actors for the Live Show?
A: California, Illinois, Florida, New York, Oregon, Texas, Puerto Rico, and Canada

Q: What is the largest audience for the live show?
A: We have performed for audiences as large as 1500. Our keynote events can be for any size audience.

Q: I have a unique situation, how can you work the Live Show into my event?
A: We customize our productions to fit the client’s needs no matter what size audience.

Q: What is considered a Non-profit Organization?
A: An organization that does not operate to make a profit and has a 501c3 number (US).

Q: What is considered a Profit Organization?
A: An organization that operates to make a profit.

Q: What is the True Colors Privacy Policy as regards to this web site?
A: Please read our Privacy Policy.

Friday, August 31, 2012

True Colors Worldwide

The simplicity of the True Colors method transcends language barriers and translates easily among cultures. True Colors is presented worldwide and has been experienced by millions. Check the list below to find and contact a representative in your region.

If you would like info on any of our programs or products, please e-mail:

We have representatives worldwide with multilingual materials available in a variety of languages.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Embracing Diversity with True Colors

The core of the True Colors system identifies intrinsic values, motivations, self-esteem, sources of dignity and worthiness, causes of stress, communication styles, listening styles, non-verbal responses, language patterns, social skills, learning styles, environmental motivators, cultural appeal, negative mental states, relationship orientation, and ethical behaviors. A True Colors training provides:
  • Increased understanding of self and others 
  • Expanded appreciation for valuing differences 
  • Communication skill-building 
  • Avenues for a more harmonious, productive environment 
  • Easy integration into existing organizational framework and previous programs 
  • A universal language that accelerates problem solving, increases trust, and reduces conflict
Registers for a True Colors Personal Success Seminar today!

Imagine, finally understanding why people behave the way they do!

People see the world differently, listen for different information, and feel satisfied by different outcomes.

After a True Colors seminar, members of the group will describe different reasons why the day was useful:

Gold temperaments will tell you that the workshop was valuable because it improves the bottom line, and the group performs more efficiently and more productively.

Orange personalities will talk about how fun and exciting the day was, and how much more energy the group developed to solve its problems. Motivation to work as a team evaporated the old burnout and stagnation.

Green oriented people will point out that this methodology is intellectually rigorous, and has proven results that can be replicated again and again in developing interpersonal skills that endure.

Blue inclined personalities will feel satisfied by the feeling of group unity that developed, the improved team morale, and the relief to have animosity turn into appreciation.

So, which one of these perspectives is the “right” one to describe the usefulness of True Colors? It’s obvious that they are all correct, even though they are different.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Why Use True Colors?

The number one reason employees are dissatisfied or leave their jobs is workplace relationship struggles, especially with their direct supervisor or team leader – followed by a lack of communication, trust, appreciation and fair treatment.

The True Colors methodology has helped millions of people find personal success and dramatically improve their interpersonal relationships in these areas and beyond.

It has a twenty year track record of success with hundreds of companies like Ford, Pfizer, Washington Mutual, ESPN, Kraft, Boeing, JC Penny, Cargill, Sabre, I.C. System, and thousands of schools, hospitals, and government agencies, who have used it to build teamwork, improve communication and enhance customer relations.

Take the True Colors Personality Test to find out what your True Colors are!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Meaning Behind the Colors of True Colors

Color has been used to shape and describe our lives, our habits, our values, and our feelings throughout the ages. Research into the physiological effects of color has shown that it truly has an impact on our lives, often in unconscious and mysterious ways. The colors for the True Colors model were chosen to correspond with the various metaphors associated with each Color.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The True Colors Character Cards

What are they - why use them?

Recognizing the potential of the True Colors concepts to improve people’s lives, careers and relationships, Lowry set about developing a fundamental and universal way to package the information so it could be understood and easily applied by both children and adults alike.

Don Lowry originally selected theater as an entertaining way to acquaint people with the powerful insights of temperament. In order to involve the audience in the process, he developed the True Colors character cards (thus the mimes depicted on the front of the cards). The cards offered a gratifying, hands-on experience in discovering their True Colors personality traits.

Little did he know at the time, the simplicity of these cards would be key to the ease of use and lasting impact of True Colors.

Flip a switch – the light comes on. Simple as that, right? Most of us don’t take the time to step back and consider the vast technology of electricity that lies behind this simple act, and yet we enjoy the benefits of the light bulb numerous times throughout the day.

The same could be said of the True Colors Character Card Sort – on the surface it seems like a simple act, yet behind this simple process is decades of personality research and observation. Once you sort the cards into your unique personality spectrum your personality will take on a new light. Frequently from this one activity individuals have remarked, "Oh, so THAT’S why I do things that way”, or "Now I understand my spouse/mate better”. The card sort is a deceptively simple, yet profoundly effective way to discover your unique personality and begin your exploration with True Colors.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Register for Canine Colors Certification in September

Hello from Canine Colors!

The September online certification is right around the corner, Sept. 11th and 12th.

Sign up today!

The registration fee also includes a Canine Colors Marketing webinar to help you GROW your business.

The registration is now open on our website and we hope that you will jump on board with us and become Canine Colors certified. Why not expand your business and offer Canine Colors seminars to your clients? Or, engage your employees with Canine Colors and add it to your repertoire!

Register today! More info available here.

Here’s what participants are saying about the Canine Colors certification program:

“This is a great corporate tool for Employee Engagement and Team Building. We want our employees to bring their whole self to work, and I believe Canine Colors will help us to support that direction.”
John Henshaw, Senior Organizational Development Specialist, Northrop Grumman Corporation (newly certified Canine Colors Coach)

“Loved the convenience of online training. Learned about my adopted puppy Kanae and learned all about her personality requirements so we can have a loving, lasting relationship!”
Connie Visitation, True Colors Facilitator and Independent Consultant, Believe it! Achieve it!

We look forward to talking with you soon and please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you!
Letitia Fox
True Colors Int.
Canine Colors

Stay in touch with Letita at
Or follow her on Twitter:

Monday, August 20, 2012

A Brief History of True Colors

The theory behind True Colors can be traced back to when Hippocrates (460 BC) identified four different temperaments of humans: Sanguine, Choleric, Phlegmatic, and the Melancholoc... and in Plato's (428 BC) ideas about character and personality.

Many great thinkers around the world have expounded upon this theory throughout the ages from the ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations to modern psychologists with relative consistency of these various interpretations (Adickes, Jung, Spranger, Kreschmar, Fromm, Keirsey).

In 1978 founder Don Lowry, further developed the personality concepts he had studied and was the first to apply the color metaphors of Blue, Gold, Green and Orange to the four temperaments, coining this methodology: True Colors.

Monday, August 13, 2012

What is True Colors?

What is True Colors and what can it do for me? 

True Colors™ is a model for understanding yourself and others based on your personality temperament type. The colors of Orange, Green, Blue and Gold are used to differentiate the four central personality styles of True Colors™. Each of us has a combination of these True Colors that make up our personality spectrum, usually with one of the styles being the most dominant. Identifying your personality type and the personalities of others using the True Colors Personality Identification Model provides you with insights into different motivations, actions and communication approaches. True Colors works because it is based on true principles and easy to remember and use – in all kinds of circumstances – from personal relationships to professional success. 

 "Successful people know who they are and what their True Colors are... when you know what your core values and needs are and feel good about them, you can perform at your highest potential in every area of life. And when you share a working, mutual understanding of other’ core values and needs, you have the basis to communicate, motivate, and achieve common goals with utmost dignity, efficacy, and mutual respect." 
 -Don Lowry, creator of True Colors